Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Intense Episode

Currently, I am an obsessive freak with the Bachelor/Bachelorette. Maybe not obsessive but these shows seriously give me my dose of drama that does not affect me in anyway personally. I LOVE it. Some people think its completely dumb but whatever, I really like it.

This season the bachelorette is Jillian who was the 3rd runner up on the Bachelor with Jason Mesnick. So far the season is really good except I have a problem with a few of the guys, luckily two of them are gone as of Monday the 8th of June. David and Juan, who hated each other, FINALLY got sent home. You have no idea how happy I was. And Tanner P. told Killian that someone was here for the wrong reasons and that they had a girlfriend too. How outrageous. Anyways, no one spoke up at the rose ceremony and the viewers know who has a girlfriend but Jillian does not. Aparantly it is Wes! I dont like him so i'm pretty happy.

The two guys I hope are the final two are Jake and Michael. They're both super hott and I think they honestly want to be with Jillian out of all the other guys. I hope those are the final two, I really do!

I can't wait until next monday when we see Wes go byebye! I'll write more soon!

<3 Danielle